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Vienna Lungo
World Explorations Vienna Lungo recreates the balanced and pleasant Viennese taste, inspired by the country’s centuries-long coffeehouse tradition with its lavish establishments and suited-up waiters.

World Explorations Vienna Linizio Lungo recreates the balanced and pleasant Viennese taste, inspired by the country’s centuries-long coffeehouse tradition with its lavish establishments and suited-up waiters.
The Lungo represents the blending of two coffees long loved by Austrian coffee drinkers – Brazilian and Colombian Arabicas. In this smooth cup, sweet cereal notes of Brazil’s naturally processed beans mix with the fruity notes of a washed Colombian Arabica. Together they deliver a malty cereal taste and silky texture that sings with the warm grandeur of a Viennese classical coffee composition. Enjoy it like a local by topping up your Lungo with hot water and a dollop of whipped cream, like they do in Vienna.
Remarkably rounded and smooth, the cup boasts malty and aromatic notes that shine through this blend.
The Brazilian coffee is light-medium roasted which keeps it smooth and with all the Bourbon variety’s malty notes intact. The washed Colombian coffee beans get a short roast to release all of their finer aromatics.
Our Lungo is made of Brazil’s pulped, natural processed Bourbon variety beans with washed Colombian Arabica which gives it a smooth and balanced taste.
Add a dash of milk to your Lungo to awaken its green flavors and cereal aromas. As a Latte, Vienna Linizio Lungo is smooth, creamy and glowing with biscuit and caramel notes. Try pairing it with a slice of cake like they do it in Vienna.
Whether sourcing beans from AAA-accredited farmers, planting 3.5 million trees on small coffee farms or using responsible and traceable aluminium for our recyclable capsules, Nespresso always puts sustainability and quality first.